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Instagram Algorithm Hack

By September 16, 2018October 29th, 2019No Comments

Instagram algorithm 2018

 The Instagram algorithm change 2018 has long arrived, and Instagram is opening up to explain just how the algorithm chooses what photos and videos show up in your feed.

Earlier this year, Instagram announced that they would be updating the Instagram algorithm to make it more chronological to feel more “fresh”.

Now they’re letting everyone know exactly how the Instagram algorithm works and going on-record for the first time about rumors about Instagram business profiles and the Instagram shadow ban. 

Personalised Instagram feed based on what you like


Image result for Personalised Instagram feed

Your Instagram feed isn’t just based on who you follow, it’s also based on who and what you like.

According to TechCrunch, who were in the room with Instagram’s product lead, “Instagram relies on machine learning based on your past behavior to create a unique feed for everyone. Even if you follow the exact same accounts as someone else, you’ll get a personalized feed based on how you interact with those accounts.”

Instagram Algorithm Hack

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It’s important to understand the standpoint from Instagram’s perspective. Instagram’s main goal is to help you see content from your “friends and family,” and with the algorithm, people now see 90% of posts from their friends and family, instead of 50% when it was the chronological feed.

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work?

The Instagram algorithm tries to predict what photos and videos are the most important to you, and uses three main factors to determine this: timeliness, interest and relationship.

The 3 Most Important Factors for the Instagram Algorithm 2018:

  • Timeliness:

Image result for instagram timeline

how long ago was this photo posted? The new Instagram algorithm will prioritize recent posts, so you’ll hopefully see fewer posts from weeks ago.

Tip: if you want to get more engagement, find your best time to post on Instagram!

  • Interest:


this is Instagram predicting how much you’ll care about a post.

The more they think you “like” that post, the higher it appears in your feed. This is based on “past behavior on similar content and potentially machine vision analyzing the actual content of the post.”

Think about this one like the Instagram Explore page: once you like one video of slime, your entire explore page is full of slime videos. If someone in your feed posts a video of slime, Instagram’s going to guess that you’ll like that, too.

  • Relationship:

Image result for comments instagram

how do you know this person? If you comment on a lot of someone’s photos or are tagged in photos with them, this signals to Instagram that they probably fall into your “friends and family” category.

Feel like you never see a certain someone’s photos in your feed? Start commenting on their photos!


Tip: You might want to try encouraging your followers to tag you in posts if the hopes that you would then show up more frequently in their feeds. We’re not sure if this will actually work, but it sounds like it might!