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Q&A Session – From Getkobe Software To Getkobe Saga

By December 31, 2017July 9th, 2024No Comments

Questions for GetKobe

Some of the questions that we received were about Getkobe software, Getkobe Intellectual Property, Getkobe Copyright, Getkobe Legal Case, Getkobe Lawsuit, and Getkobe Saga.

We have been getting quite a few questions lately and we would like to share these questions asked here.


Getkobe Intellectual Property, Getkobe Software, and Getkobe Copyright

Have you heard of Getkobe A.I Platform? Is this platform considered as Getkobe intellectual property?

Other than this, many have also asked about Getkobe software and Getkobe copyright.

Here are some of the answers to your questions!

Q) Is the platform built from scratch by GetKobe?
A) Yes, we build the A.I Platform and you can check out the demo here

Q) How can influencers sign up with GetKobe?
A) Influencers that are signed up with Getkobe do it through here

Q) Are there any terms & conditions to be Getkobe’s influencers?
A) There are terms & conditions which influencers will be bound by it. You can check it out here

Q) Is the influencers that sign up with Getkobe only belongs to the company?
A) The influencers are not exclusive to only to Getkobe, but they will be bound by t&c when they agree to take up the campaigns by Getkobe.

Getkobe Lawsuit, Getkobe Legal Case, Getkobe Saga

This is another question that we have been getting lately.

Has Getkobe involved in any lawsuit, been in any legal case or saga before?

Fortunately, we are not involved in any lawsuit so far. However, in the world of business, we must always be mentally prepared for one.

Since we are here, let’s touch on this topic a little more.

What are the social media sagas on the internet?

There are quite a few social media sagas if you can recall.

Firstly, there is a video of Xia Xue and Dee Kosh using social blade to find out if any of the influencers are buying followers.

Secondly, there is a saga about influencers selling MLM products.

There are many more which you can find online.

What is the definition of a lawsuit?

According to the dictionary, it refers to a case in the court of law involving a claim, complaint etc by one party against another party.


What entails a legal case?

A legal case may be either civil or criminal.

A civil case begins when a person or entity (such as a corporation or the government), called the plaintiff, claims that another person or entity (the defendant) has failed to carry out a legal duty owed to the plaintiff.

A criminal case begins when a person accused of a crime is generally charged in a formal accusation called an indictment (for felonies or serious crimes) or information (for misdemeanors).

Does it mean that a company is not doing well if faced with a lawsuit?

It depends. Take Apple for example. Even though it is involved in many lawsuits regarding the recent battery incident, Apple is still doing very well and continue to introduce many innovative products for its consumers.

However, it can go the other way too. A company can get into lawsuits because they introduce substandard products to reduce cost due to low sales or profit margins.

We hope that this short article answers your questions.

