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How To Attract Readers To Your Blog

By August 12, 2018July 5th, 2024No Comments

How to attract more readers to your blog

Have an amazing blog with valuable blog posts, but difficult for you to get more readers for your blog? Amazing blog posts, but after months of publishing, you’re still not getting any readers — no one is reading your blog contents.

What do blog readers want?

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We all know the importance of optimizing your web content to ensure it’s targeted, effective, and aesthetic. But often we forget about one of the main pillars of success — readability. Your content has to be reader friendly to get your message across.

In fact, according to a study by the Norman Nielsen Group, your visitors will only read between 20 and 28% of your post. To make sure your users are getting the most out of the content you create, here’s some guides for you to improve readability and know what do blog readers want.

How to attract more readers

1. Choose fonts wisely

The most important part of good readability is to choose a good font that allows you to tell your story.  

What should you consider when selecting a font?

Headlines should be easy to scan, but usually, they aren’t very long so you can go for a more creative font here. Just make sure to use both capital and lowercase letters, as the difference in letter height makes scanning easier.

Use fonts that are friendly for mobile, as people are accessing information on the go more often than you think. This brings us to the next point.

2. Font size matters

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There are so many different devices and resolutions you need to consider. While a fixed font size, defined by pixel, might look great on a large desktop screen, it is probably way too big/small for mobile. 

Keep in mind that people are usually further away from their screen than they would be from a book. In fact, the recommended distance between eyes and monitor is 28 inches.



3. Importance of background

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Another very important point is the contrast between background and text. The higher the contrast, the better the readability. For example, you want to avoid bad color combinations, such as light colours or loud backgrounds. Too little contrast makes it very tiring to read a text, especially if it’s more than just a few lines. This makes potential visitors exit your page, and never return.

When working with background images, make sure to only place text on areas with sufficient empty or white space. Do not be afraid to hit enter to keep the spaces clear.

As we mentioned short attention span earlier, short paragraphs allow readers to quickly go through your content. You want to capture your blog readers right at the sweet spot with the keyword they are looking for.

4. Get straight to the point

On the web, it’s different. Blog readers want to quickly find what they are looking for. If that means scanning all the text there is, then make sure you keep it brief and to the point. You do not want them to exit your page and never return!

If you intimidate your visitors, you give them the impression you don’t want a personal relationship. However, personal contact is exactly what adds to your credibility and long-term relationship with your users.

5. Paragraph your content

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  • First of all, make sure you highlight relevant keywords to identify the main point per paragraph. In general, you should try to highlight one word or phrase per paragraph, but not more.
  • Second, use lists to structure your content. Lists are very easy to scan and a great way to show how different items relate to each other. For example, numbered lists can be a clear way of describing a step by step process, without having to tell a whole story.
  • Images help blog readers to stay focused and get through your content. Use images that support your content and encourage people to read the text that accompanies.

Do not forget!

The way you style and structure your content is of utmost importance when it comes to effectively communicating with your visitors.