Here’s when you should post on Instagram!
It is no surprise that half of all Instagram users visit the site daily. With the constant updates on Instagram,you’re bound to get something new when you open your feed.
But when is the best time for you to post on the popular social network?
To post or not to post?
Well, it depends.
The new algorithm has made every Instagram account different. This makes it difficult to gather accurate and reliable information for standardisation.
Still, regardless of your account’s unique following, there seem to be at least a few numbers to go by.
How do we know, then?
Heres some analytics by a scheduling app. By no means are these stats and basic conclusions draw the final say, but they will give you a general idea regarding the best time to post your photos and videos.
Pick a day

Finding the right day of the week can be a challenge. Some research suggests Wednesdays and Thursdays promote the most interaction, while more anecdotal evidence from social media managers sometimes suggests otherwise.
Weekends tend to be hit-or-miss depending on the type of Instagram account you’re running and the type of followers you have. If your Instagram account is directed toward your friends and family, for example, you might get better interaction on weekends than if you’re looking to gain the attention of businesses and companies that tend to be closed during the weekend.
As a whole, it seems that weekend posts get less traffic than weekday posts. If you absolutely must post on the weekend, however, it’s best to avoid Sunday, which seems to be the day with the lowest engagement numbers.
Picking a time
When are the best time to post? Majority said during lunchtime (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.) and in the evenings (7 p.m. to 9 p.m.).
Keep in mind your most active time zone
As we are located in Singapore, most of your followers are from Singapore. For instance, you may want to post according to this time zone instead of random hit or miss.
Generally speaking, it’s best to share during off-work hours, rather than throughout the workday. As people usually scroll through instagram when they are “free”.
How to balance?
Analytics and trends
Ultimately, the only way you can ensure the most accurate data for your posting needs is to keep track of and manage your own analytics.
If you’re a business owner — or have an account with a high number of engagements — you can use Instagram’s own analytics tool, which allows you to see what time of day and days of the week produce the most interaction.
Read your interactions and understand your crowd
You can also learn other details about your followers. Using the Instagram Analytics tool, your content is broken down into location and age of your followers. These data are important for understanding what kind of content will work best across for your crowd.
Draw a spreadsheet and analyse
To better understand and visualise, you can start taking things further by charting your data in a spreadsheet. Tools like Google Sheets or old school piece of paper can be very useful. Start marking down your posts, time you shared them, and how many engagements (likes or comments) they received within a time window. After all, the more data you have, the better informed you will be.