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Four Considerations For Effective Influencer Marketing Campaigns

By October 27, 2018July 5th, 2024No Comments

Social Media as key communicating channel

We will be giving you a direction for influencer marketing strategy with unique influencer marketing examples for influencer marketing 2018 and beyond… 75% of surveyed brands use influencer marketing and nearly half are planning to increase budgets in the next year. Hence, influencer marketing has demonstrated staying power as it has matured evolved.  The power to build credibility and drive engagement is important and critical to a brand’s overall influencer marketing strategy. Here’s a guide on what you should do for a successful influencer marketing strategy. 

Influencer marketing 2018

1. Map out your plans and goals


person working on blue and white paper on boardSuccessful influencer marketing 2018 strategy start with clearly defined goals. For example, to increase brand awareness of sales? Influencer marketing can reach target consumers if you set your influencer marketing strategy right. Setting realistic KPIs in advance steers your influencer marketing 2018 campaign in the right direction, and achieve your desired goal(s).

2. Understand your target audience

people sitting inside room

Knowing the social media preferences of your target audience to optimize your efforts on the channels is critical. First, ensure your influencer marketing messages are aligned with channels that reflect the advertiser’s brand message. Hence, the same for selecting the right influencers to represent you. For example, by choosing influencers tightly aligned with your target audience, the campaign is guaranteed engagement.

3. Focus on not just the numbers, but engagement 

It’s vital to focus on follower engagement and not just on followers count. Engagement have the biggest impact on meeting or exceeding KPIs. Hence, its important to make use of the Influencer’s online personality and power through Influencer Marketing to make a big impact on your branded content. This attracts consumers, and this is really the beauty of influencer marketing. 

4. Analyse your project and measure KPIs

Image result for KPI

Measuring your KPIs in your own unique way is important. This analyses allow you to understand if your influencer marketing strategy for influencer marketing 2018 is working. Therefore, upon getting the results, you can plan to expand the reach and impact of your campaign.  

Most of the analyses can be done with analytics program or organic first hand data. For example, reach level such as likes, comments and shares are basic. You can obtain them directly from Instagram. Instagram also provides other basic measurements for you to gauge your progress.