If you are an avid Instagram user, you might have noticed the new feature that Instagram introduced to its Singapore users in October 2021 – the Instagram Reels function. You might think that Reels is no different from a typical Instagram video. However, that is not true. Today, we will be introducing Instagram Reels and the invaluable purpose it has on the platform.
What Is Instagram Reels

Instagram Reels are 15 to 60 second long videos. Reels allows you to add a variety of music and edit your videos creatively just before you upload them. From comedic soundtracks to subtitles and cute filters, Instagram Reels provides a wide range of functions for its users. This opens up a lot more opportunities for users to create fun and entertaining videos with their followers. Also, Reels allow your content to get discovered by the Instagram community easily.
Types of Instagram Reels
Given the number of features Instagram Reels has introduced to create fun video content, there is a wide variety of content that can be produced from the function.
Some common categories include Dance and Comedy. Trendy soundtracks and viral challenges have created the perfect environment for content creators to tap into their creativity in producing content on Instagram Reels. For instance, just a while back, the “wow you can really dance” soundbite was trending on Instagram Reels. The soundbite, taken from Handsome Dancer’s Coincidance single, saw many creators dancing to it. From comedic expressions to wonderfully executed dances, Instagram Reels saw a surge in such clips.
Apart from dance videos, content focus on style and beauty are also commonly seen on Instagram Reels. After all, Instagram has been known for being a visually driven platform where content creators can showcase their styles with pictures and videos. Therefore, it does not come as a surprise to see these content creators actively using Reels to share styling and beauty content.

Instagram reels is also great for creating tutorials or sharing certain tips. Although the videos on Reels might be as short as 15 seconds, the useful content that can be packed into these 15 seconds would surprise you. From photography tips to styling tips, we have seen all sorts of useful tips on Instagram Reels.
Lastly, Instagram Reels is a great platform to create montages. Whether you are reminiscing your past travel trips or creating a video to commemorate your graduation, Instagram Reels and its features allow you to create short but impactful montages.
How To Use Instagram Reels | Reels Strategies
How then can we incorporate Instagram Reels into our marketing strategies? The next portion of the article touches on how to create trendy Reels in the context of Instagram.
The Context of Instagram (The 3Cs of Instagram)
The 3Cs – Community, Culture, Creativity – can be used to explain how Instagram is a unique social media platform. It has the ability to connect community and is a place where creativity and culture develops.
Compared to other platforms, people surveyed cited Instagram as one of the top places to keep up with their interests. Indeed, the diversity of content on Instagram is perhaps why it is relevant to users of different interests. Whether you are on Instagram to look at food or fashion, there is a plethora of content catered to your interest. Therefore, Instagram acts as a network connecting people of similar interests together.

Just being on Instagram gives your brand the halo effect of being perceived as more creative than brands that are not on the platform. After all, the site’s features facilitate an organic process of content creation. Creativity is involved when it comes to creating, curating and customising content. From choosing the features on the platform to determining how the content should be posted, creativity is a must for marketing on Instagram.

Instagram is a place where culture flourishes. Be it through content that share one’s culture, or through the consumption of culturally rich content, content on Instagram is shaped and shapes cultures.
How To Create Trendy Reels | Reels Best Practices
While there is no rigid formula to great content creation on Instagram Reels, there are some pointers you may take into account to create great Reels. Firstly, it is important to nail the hook. The duration of a video on Reels might be shorter. However, do not expect all users to pay attention to the entire video. To capture the attention of your audience, ensure that the beginning of your video is interesting enough for your audience to continue watching.
Secondly, experiment with the many features of Reels. Be it filters or making cool transitions between clips, Instagram Reels has provided the functions that are needed to create a unique Reel. Therefore, do tap into these functions to optimise content creation.
Thirdly, try to understand how Instagram Reels work. Apart from the visual content, the audio attached to the video plays a big part in the audience experience. Therefore, when thinking of the type of content to film, do also consider the soundbite that would complement the visual content.

How To Use Instagram Reels In Instagram Ecosystem | Reels Strategies
Instagram currently hosts a wide variety of features. For instance, we have IG video, IG story and IG live. At first glance, it might seem that Instagram Reels has overlapped with some of these features.
However, in reality, Reels is a rather distinct feature on Instagram. From the ability to choose a soundbite to the ability to edit short clips, Instagram Reels, in itself is a unique form of content.
Therefore, this gives marketers the opportunities to tell an integrated story with the different tools and features that Instagram is providing.

For instance, live streams are a favourite of marketers. This is because they allow for an in-depth real time interaction with your target audience. However, getting people into one’s live stream might take some effort. This is where shorter form content such as Reels or Stories can be used in the initial stages to first attract attention to the live. Reels, with its catchy soundbites and engaging videos, will likely complement and add dynamics to the existing suite of Instagram’s features.
How To Use Instagram Reels | Finding Reels Creators
Even though Reels is a relatively new platform, we have already seen many Southeast Asia Creators creating good content. If you are looking for Reels Creators, here are some profiles you can explore.
From left to right:
1) @yk from Singapore
2) @lypham.2001 from Vietnam
3) @ihate.game from Thailand
4) @juweiteoh from Malaysia

Now that Reels has been introduced globally and we can see all the excitement creators and marketers have for Reels. This is a good opportunity to explore and find your own unique style to connect with your followers. If you are interested to include Reels content in your Instagram strategy, let us know your objectives and we can support you in finding the right Reels Creators. You may schedule an appointment with us here at your earliest availability.