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influencer marketingInfluencer Marketing Strategy

Influencer Marketing Examples Will Be The Game-Changer For Your Business

By December 16, 2018July 8th, 2024No Comments

Finding Influencer Marketing Examples

Influencer marketing examples for the new influencer marketing hub. Witness the power of social media influencers starting from finding the right influencer. It is essential for your market positioning and campaign success. It’s no secret that the easy days of TV to shelf marketing are long gone. As a result, consumers today are smart, savvy and connected shoppers — they have a plethora of choices available to them. Due to this, marketers have had to enhance their creativity to lure them towards their products and services. One such emerging method is influencer marketing.

Basics are very important

Influencer marketing is a product of many content-driven campaigns that have characterised the digital era up to this point. It capitalises on the social media followership of an ‘influencer’ who is usually an authority on a particular niche. Hence, influencers are potential consumers themselves. 

Measure your results

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The power of social media influencers is immense. If you’ve implemented influencer marketing or have been thinking about using it to grow your business, here are three ways to maximize return on investment:

  1. Know your target audience:

Your target audience will determine the characteristics of the influencer you need, the social platforms they use and also the offers that would appeal to them. Research your target audience, understand their sentiments and know their consumption behaviour before choosing any type of influencer marketing hub. A great tool for discovering some deeper insights on your audience is Facebook’s Audience Insights tool, as it helps you discover demographics, likes, interests and activities of your particular audience.


  1. Define success:

    two woman standing near field

It’s important early on to establish your method for measuring your campaign’s success. The most common indicators of results are: audience reach, engagement, traffic increase, qualified leads and sales. While at it, get hold of tools you can use to analyse the metrics you identified. For instance, Google Analytics gives valuable insights about website engagement and online sales. 

  1. Vet your influencers extensively:

There shouldn’t be a conflict of values as you’re enlisting influencers to your influencer marketing hub to connect with your target audience. It is thus, one must never give in to the lure of a large number of followers. There’s a big difference between popularity and influence. It’s common for influencers these days to buy likes and followers to boost their numbers. We can’t deny the power of social media influencers. It can have a big impact on both brand awareness and your bottom line when used properly.