Kid Influencers on Social Media
Engaging kids on social media may not be easy. Keep in mind that their parents handle most of the kids’ social media accounts. That means that you have to reach out to two different audiences at the same time to convey your message. Bridging this gap between two different audiences is critical, and that is where kid influencers on social media come into play.
Who exactly are kid influencers on social media?
A social media influencer is a user with established credibility in a particular industry with a rather broad audience and can convince people to act based on their recommendations. A social media influencer can attract many viewers consistently on any social media platform. Kid influencers are a specific type of influencer. Kid influencers on social media are children under 16 who have an established presence on social media platforms. Likewise, they do what every other social media user does; uploading content for their hundreds of thousands or even million followers. Given the age of the kid influencers, their parents or guardians shoulder the responsibility of monitoring their social media platforms ensuring they are safe online. Therefore, if you are targeting a younger audience, you should consider seeking the help of kid influencers.
Characteristics associated with social media influencers
As long as you have a broader audience following you on social media, there is no limit of what you can spur online. One single voice is capable of redirecting the flow of trends on social media, something that marketers use to target their potential buyers.
We start off with introducing a few characteristics of kid influencers
They are engaging
Firstly, you should know that this particular influencer is a kid; they are always full of energy and agility and know how to relate to other children. Hence, they regularly interact and engage with their followers.
They are trustworthy
Kids are mostly associated with honesty. When you take that and mix it all up with their cute little faces, there is no doubt that you will have to believe whatever they are saying. Furthermore, kid influencers tend to use trusted information that is original.
Their words create an impact on the audience
Parents or guardians who run the social media of kid influencers conduct all the necessary research to make sure the posts they write are accurate. After all, no parent would want their kid to be at the receiving end of a backlash. They can risk derailing their child’s image with inaccurate information.
Influencers interact and react to the interests of their followers and kid influencers have a leadership role for their peers. This is because they are viewed as pacesetters who pave the way for their followers. Their thoughts and posts are usually the voice of their followers. Kid influencers don’t strive to do what everyone else is doing or what they are saying but instead challenge the status quo and boldly state what they honestly feel about the said topic.
Categories of kid influencers
There are many categories when it comes to kid influencers. The categories are based on the industry or niche of the influencer. Here are some of the categories of kid influencers
Toys and gaming
Given their age, there is no good match like a kid with a toy. Although parents looking for toy reviews for their children is still effective, but the drive for getting a particular toy just because the cool kid (kid influencer) on twitter says it is an awesome toy, is more alluring than the parent suggesting it.
Many kids are involved in sports either in their school teams or just for fun. Therefore, kid influencers promoting content revolving around the sport’s wear for a particular game like football boots is more likely to attract more kids interested in football or some other game covered by the particular influencer.
Kids influencers favorable for this category are usually teenage kids since that’s the stage when people at a younger age start being conscious about their fashion sense. In this category, influencers post content such as makeup tutorials, beauty reviews, shopping sprees, etc. Even though peer pressure can be scary, it is better if a particular kid tries to emulate a fashion outfit worn by their favorite celebrity they have seen online.
Popular kid influencers
Various kid influencers have come up with what seems like a great social media life laid out for them. Here is a list of some kid influencers to watch out for.
Tiana Wilson

Tiana is a successful YouTuber. At just ten years, she has 10 billion views on videos and is headed for the 10 million diamond play button. She posts toy reviews and toy challenges where people tune in to watch every week.
Hawkeye Huey

Hawkeye Huey is the son of a National Geographic photographer, Aaron Huey. He is nine years old, making him one of the youngest photographers on Instagram. He accompanies his father on his assignments which have helped him hone his photography skills. Brands promoting travel and adventure often engage him due to his outgoing nature.
Lorenzo Greer

Lorenzo is a kid influencer in the sports and lifestyle category. He has an impressively high number of Instagram and YouTube followers. He posts videos of his everyday life. For example, playing football, football tutorials and even football boots which attract a lot of young football fans.
Bottom line
Kid influencers have become so popular on social media platforms because they are the new craze in the market. Therefore, if your target market is the young, do get young stars to promote your brand in a language that your potential buyer will understand?
References five-characteristics-of-an-influencer/