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influencer marketingMarketers

Making Influencer Marketing Strategy And Millennials Work Together

By November 3, 2018July 9th, 2024No Comments

Millennial advertising

Master millennial advertising with important influencer marketing examples for your influencer marketing strategy.

person standing beside wall during daytime

Rise of influencers

The rise on social media platforms has resulted in marketers collaborating with them to target millennials. You’ve likely heard of them before. But if not, they are the generation of people born between 1980 and 2000.

Who are the Millennials?

Two woman holding Boxed Water cartons

In general, millennials are a group of people who were taught to reason and question. This particular generation has seen the growth of technology and is highly comfortable with it. These people are the first ones to use the internet as well as cell phones and innovations such as Kindles and iPads. And they have the highest spending power too.

A study by Millennial Marketing found that 25% of the total US population is comprised of millennials. They also make up 21% of consumer discretionary purchases, which equates to a direct buying power of about a trillion dollars.

Traditional advertising

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Traditional advertising simply does not work on this kind of audience. They find it pushy, spammy, or intrusive. Naturally, those “brilliantly created ads” by marketing geniuses are facing the wrath of ad blockers. There are now 615 million devices that use adblock. This makes influencing purchases a tricky job when it comes to targeting millennials.

Why Influencer Marketing is important with Millennials?

That’s exactly why influencer marketing and millennials have become so synonymous with the digital marketing industry recently. Being real people and being knowledgeable in their fields, influencers know how to appeal to this age group, and compel them to make a purchase decision.

Below are five ways that will help your brand target millennials effectively using influencer marketing.

#1. Create A Message through influencers that Millennials Can Relate To

Does your brand stand for a social cause? Does it believe in eco-friendliness, or makes a charitable donation every time a purchase is made? The previously-cited Millennial Marketing study revealed that they want to buy from brands that are concerned about a good cause.

The good news is that this is one of the many things that millennials and influencers have in common. This is perhaps because many influencers are millennials themselves.

Like we mentioned earlier, millennials belong to that section of society who are extremely well-informed. Winning them over to your brand is certainly not going to be easy. However, because most of them believe in social causes, you need to work on messaging that they can relate to.


Whatever be the cause, you should share this with millennials so that they are genuinely interested in following your brand. Collaborating with influencers who stand for such causes can greatly help you win over millennials and gain their trust.

Influences are loved by their audiences because of their credibility and authentic content. Hence, the audience consider their opinion when it comes to making a purchase.

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#2. Be present on Instagram Stories

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When Instagram Stories was launched, it wasn’t expected that it would become a big hit globally. However, in one year, Instagram Stories saw 200 million people using it every month. People love this feature and it has become a very successful method for brands to promote their products. With endless creative possibilities, Instagram Stories have become an opportunity for influencer marketers to target millennials.

#3. Use Rewards And Incentives


Providing incentives and branded rewards can help you drive conversions among millennials and influencer marketing is the perfect channel to promote them. These offers can seem like VIP treatment to them.

By partnering with influencers to promote your brand with special discount codes, you can effectively target millennials. When you use this approach, the millennials you’re targeting are not just receiving rewards but receiving them from their favorite influencers. That certainly creates a better impact on their brand loyalty and on your conversion rates.

#4. Encourage User-Generated Content (UGC)


According to an Olapic study, 56% of consumers would be more interested in buying a product that they have seen in a positive or relatable photo posted by another consumer. User-generated content has become a major tool for brands in marketing their products.

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If your brand is not utilizing it, you’re missing out on considerable opportunities of winning over millennials. A study by CrowdTap showed that millennials spend 30% of that time looking at user-generated content. So user-generated content should be a vital part of your attempt to target millennials and influencers can play an important role in this. The right influencers can urge their audience to create content featuring your products. And in the process, you will be able to reach other millennials who are following these users.


Remember, millennials are the ones who have the highest purchasing power. So being able to influence their purchases will be great for your business. Hence, brands need to shift from traditional advertising methods to influencer marketing as millennials live on the internet.