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The Storyteller Of Your Brand – The Bloggers

By January 1, 2017July 9th, 2024No Comments
  If you’re ever wondering why bloggers are increasingly gaining momentum in the marketing scene, then this article is for you! In this article, we will look at the widely adopted blogging approaches out there.

What you need to know about bloggers

Many active social media users are following famous bloggers’ updates and reading their posts in their free time. It is not surprising to see why bloggers are becoming some sort of role models to many millennials out there who have simply made social media platforms part of their identity. These bloggers are not only updated about the latest trends, they also cover topics that are specific enough which makes it accessible for readers who require information, or just in need of some perspectives and opinions to make some decisions pertaining the topic. Therefore, they definitely can equip their readers with a certain degree of short-cuts to make them appear like a know-it-all person of diverse topics.

Moreover, readers trust the bloggers highly. An average person would consult about 11 consumer reviews before purchasing a pricey good. As analysed by Spark Notes, majority of consumers seek information via blogs. In fact, 80% of the online population claim that they trust bloggers. This is primarily because many successful bloggers are able to invoke emotions and create their posts in an authentic way that allows personalised pitching to the readers. Evidently, they are relatable to their readers through their personal experience.

Why brands are increasingly engaging bloggers

The wide outreach that bloggers have is an advantage that companies like to explore in its marketing influence strategy. With each post they upload, one blogger can easily reach thousands of readers. Brands that engage these bloggers could track their posts using Unique Monthly Visitors (UMVs) feature on top of their social followers. Brands can look up at blogger’s entire digital footprint to determine who is more suitable to be their partner in advertising their products/brands.

Two Approaches of blogging practiced by bloggers

1. Ambassador Blogging

It entails bloggers to be on board for a stipulated length of time where they establish an ongoing relationships. Additionally, they are expected to post more than once.

2. Campaign Blogging

It enables bloggers to scale their outreach and create a quick spark, serving  as a catalyst to create buzz.

Other strategies to effectively market your brand

  • Providing them with relevant and accurate information:
    • It is essential to ascertain that the blogger’s style of writing fits your brand’s profile as you lay out the content expectation.  You can determine their relevance by looking at the comments section of the post and how they respond to them.
  • Pitching your brand to the bloggers for the first time:
    • It is possible that these bloggers are the first line of personal touch if they have yet to figure out your brand. It is worthy to note that brands need to have a personalised touch when pitching to bloggers to reduce any indifference they feel about your brand. Hence, establishing a common rapport is important.


If you not convinced about the upscale influence that blogger marketing entails, you are missing out on a great opportunity.  More importantly, the trust and authenticity that bloggers can garner act as an advantage your brand would not want to overlook.

Credit: Octavilia Budianto


1  Absolute Mobile Solutions. “Why Does My Business Need a Blog?” June, 2016

2 Convince and Convert. “How to Own Your Blogger Outreach Process?” Kristen Matthews

3 University of Brighton Blog Network Site. “The Things We Should Know about Blogging for SMEs” April, 2015