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6 strategies to earn customers trust

By June 25, 2017July 5th, 2024No Comments

How important are customers trust?

It is important to earn your customers’ trust to keep your business sustainable in the long run. Social media marketing still remains as one of the most effective methods of promoting your businesses to your customers. However, you need to understand the fact that not everyone would believe what you are saying in your marketing campaign. So, how can you earn your customer’s trust.

6 strategies to earn customers trust

1. Be consistent 

When you engage in influencer marketing, the important thing is to be consistent. Be consistent in the things that you are saying and the things that you are doing. The way you interact or serve your customers should be the same. Whether they are a new or repeat customer. Regardless of whether they have made a big purchase from your company or only a small one. Always make sure that you are giving your best to your customers.

2. Live up to your word

Even in Facebook marketing, you need to live up to every word that you say to your customers. For example, if you have mentioned that your company can arrive to your customer’s house within just an hour, then you need to make sure that your staff arrives there on time. Failure to live up to your word would surely break your customer’s trust

3. Establish credibility through social proof and testimonials from your clients

There is no better way for you to earn your customer’s trust than providing them some social proof. It will give customers the confidence of how credible and trusted your company is. For example, you can use social media account to allow the customer to check on their ordered items. Alternatively, you could provide some testimonials left by your previous customers as well

4. Make it easy for your customers to get in touch with you

No matter how busy you are in running your business or in Instagram marketing, you still need to find some time for your customers. They need to feel your presence at all times so that they would feel at ease whenever they do business with you

5. Assurance that their personal data would be protected

Nobody would want to do business with a company who is known for disclosing the sensitive information of their clients and so, you need to assure your clients that you are willing to do whatever it takes to keep your data protected and that you would not be selling them to third parties for your own gain

6. Own up to your mistake

In case your company has made a mistake towards your customers, then you need to admit it and say sorry to them instead of blaming it to others. You also need to show to your customers that you are doing something to fix the mistake that was made.

After acquiring your customer’s trust with these strategies, then they would surely be the one to do the word of mouth marketing for you and as we all know, people tend to trust what they hear from customers like them than the things said by the company itself.