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Influencer Marketing Today Takes An Important Twist In 2018

By October 16, 2018July 8th, 2024No Comments

Influencer Marketing 2018

Some influencer marketing trends 2018 for influencer marketing 2018. Influencer marketing today has gained much attention globally. So what is it really?

The two words you hear a lot among friends or your colleagues. You might know that tapping into the power of influencer marketing is good, but whats the real power of influencer marketing?

Influencer Marketing Today

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Although 84 percent of marketers declared that working with an influencer was in their pipeline for 2018. But, had they known about the Facebook algorithm change, I suspect that number would have been even higher.

Influencer marketing trends 2018

  • Transparency Pays Off

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94 percent of consumers will be loyal to a brand that is transparent. Think about that statement for a moment and what that means to your influencer marketing campaigns. Stop trying to make your relationship look like something it isn’t. Don’t be afraid to mark sponsored posts as such or make your influencer relationship public. Unless you’re seeking out a vegetarian to comment on your delicious beef burgers, followers won’t mind.


  • Partner with the right influencers

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Find those who can get their content into their target customers’ news feed and thats highly relatable. 88 percent of consumers trust online peer reviews than traditional advertising. You will be surprised that more than 40 percent of millennials are using adblockers. That is why influencer marketing today is important to reach audience, so get your influencer marketing 2018 right.

  • Build a positive relationship with your influencers

This encourages trust and authenticity, and allows your influencer and followers to see how genuine the relationship really is. It will also save you the trouble of looking for constant new influencers to get into bed with (so to speak).

  • Follower size is not Representative

In fact, size doesn’t matter in influencer marketing in 2018. It’s far more lucrative for your brand to tap into the targeted following of a micro-influencer than a ginormous, untargeted, disengaged mass who are only partially committed. Working with micro influencers in fact, is almost 7 times more effective than working with influencers with larger followings. And it’s cheaper, too.

You can use a combination of both, or simply go niche, depending on your budget.

  • Give Influencers More Control

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One of the influencer marketing trends 2018 is to not force content. If it feels forced, it may result in the opposite of attract customers.

Influencers have a better understanding than anyone of the type of content their followers want to see. And often, the most successful campaigns are the ones created by the influencer, rather than the other way around. Especially if they are already advocates of your brand. 

Influencer Marketing today: Thinking less is more

If you want your influencer marketing to be more, well, influential, start thinking less is more. Drill down to real brand enthusiasts. Cultivate the relationship over time and let your influencers get creative. Not only will you be working around adblocking software and algorithms, but you’ll be speaking to your audience in a true, authentic voice that keeps those pesky millennials happy.