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Instagram Updates :
How Will Instagram Hiding Likes Affect Your Social Media Presence?

Instagram is a platform where everything is visual-based and features are geared to capture the attention of users with visuals. In this whitepaper we will figure out the pros and cons of Instagram hiding likes and how it might be beneficial in the long run. 

In this "Instagram Hiding Likes" whitepaper, we will look at :

Instagram Updates Rolling Out To More Countries

Instagram initially started hiding likes in a few countries such as Australia, Japan and Canada. However, with the recent Instagram updates they are slowly branching out the idea of hiding likes to more countries and Singapore is currently one of them. 

Instagram hiding likes, Instagram updates, Instagram likes,
Instagram hiding likes, Instagram updates, Instagram likes,

From the picture above, we can see that users are no longer able to see the number of likes on other people’s post but still able to view their own number of likes. So how exactly will Instagram hiding likes affect your social media presence?

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