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Main Challenges For Marketers Related To Influencer Marketing?

By December 9, 2018July 9th, 2024No Comments

The Art of Influencer Marketing Instagram

Influencer marketing examples targeting at Influencer marketing instagram for the most effective influencer marketing strategy. We know that there are many challenges when it comes to brands and agencies executing influencer marketing strategy successfully.

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Influencer Marketing Examples

The interesting thing about influencer marketing, or at least one interesting thing, is that far too often, brands and agencies have no real idea how to measure the success of influencer relationships. In fact, according to a study on influencer marketing by Linqia, 79 percent of marketers responding to the survey reported their biggest challenge for 2018 is determining ROI, a continuing problem.

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Challenges faced for Influencer Marketing Strategy

Marketers are challenged by ROI, and in developing campaigns that measures significant results. Confused with terms like “reach”, many brands will go for huge follower numbers. Hence, it will be interesting to watch this change in perspective. Being able to keep up with social algorithm changes is difficult. But this makes reaching the right customers more effectively.

Influencer Marketing Delivers Results

While it’s not easy to do well, without question influencer marketing can deliver significant ROI for marketers. Humans will trust the people they trust. When people they trust tell them to go, do, see, check out, or buy something, often they will. For brands, getting that kind of response is much more difficult than it is for influencers.

Work with the right influencers for the right audience

That’s also where it can be dangerous. We have a very large network of influencers with whom we work. It’s good to know the difference between micro influencers and those with inflated follower rates and fees, who rarely deliver any significant results.

Finding the right influencers

Working together to develop a campaign with the right audience. This helps in soliciting feedback from influencers and integrating their suggestions into future influencer marketing strategy. It is also good for measuring results and tweaking campaigns along the way. Those are all the things that go into making an influencer marketing strategy successful.