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Tips To Plan Your Next Creative Influencer Campaigns

By September 9, 2018July 9th, 2024No Comments

Creative Influencer Campaigns

Firstly: Instagram is a popular influencer marketing platform where influencers and users can express themselves by sharing photos along with captions. For many businesses, Instagram is a meaningful opportunity to generate communicating opportunities. Shockingly, many organisations have yet to really understand the influencer marketing function, so one shortcut is to work with influencer marketing agency!

Why is Instagram the most popular influencer marketing platform?

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Compared to other platforms, brands that post content on Instagram receive 15 times more engagement than content shared on platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Are you interested to hear more? Here’s 11 pointers for you to check to ensure that your Instagram marketing campaign has the best possible chance to succeed.

Launch your influencer marketing campaign at the right timing

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Just like your other marketing campaigns, timing is everything. It is even more important with Instagram’s unique algorithm. Avoid launching a meaningful Instagram campaign until the timing is aligned with larger company plans and goals. Try to time your launch with similar finesse in order to build the most successful campaign possible. For example: Apple. The company did not have an Instagram profile for years. But, around a month before the launch of iphones 8 and X, Apple launched a bold Instagram marketing campaign. This generated hundreds of thousands of followers within hours.

This is what a right timing is.

Set measurable and clear influencer marketing goals 

influencer marketing strategy, Ace influencer marketing campaigns

To be able to measure your goals gives your team something tangible to work hard towards. It will also encourage everyone to make sure to achieve the goal.

At your initial stage of figuring instagram out, you may find it challenging to prioritise campaigns updates/improvements.

Having a goal in mind will make things easier for you, so you can better prioritize to achieve the best results.

Understand your target audience’s Instagram habits


Customers make up the main core of your business. Understanding them is important to product and services development. Same goes for developing an outstanding attention catching Instagram marketing campaign.

You may consider speaking with members of your target audience to understand how they use Instagram. For example, connecting with interns to understand teenagers may be a good way to attain information. With them, you’ll be able to confidently develop a campaign strategy that meets their expectations.

Try different influencer marketing content types

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The best way to understand what works and what doesn’t is through trial and error. By figuring out various content formats, you can select the one that performs best. Unlike other social media platforms, Instagram offers marketers a diverse set of formats to try.

Here’s some: Instagram Stories, traditional photo, video and carousel content. PlusP, Instagram Live Video that have garnered much attention by younger generations.

Go across channels to maximize effectiveness

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72 percent of consumers prefer interacting with brands via multichannel campaigns. Other than Instagram, marketers can adopt other channels like email, display ads, websites or live events to better engage your target audiences.


Consider working with a micro-influencer

Let’s be frank, influencer marketing isn not cheap. Popular instagram influencers can be expensive, hard to connect and communicate. Instead, you can consider finding and partnering with a smaller, industry-specific influencer that have power over your target audience. This way, your investments in influencers will still perform the way you wish in reaching your desired audience.

Not to mention that many micro-influencers are willing to accept free products or lower priced contracts. This means that your campaign costs can  be kept low!

Match your caption with your photo

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While visual content is certainly the star on Instagram, a matching caption can go a long way toward improving the performance of your Instagram content. For each visual you plan to launch during the Instagram campaign, be sure you match it with a contextually relevant and compelling caption.

Develop a clear and easy call to action

Within the caption, or the visual content itself, be sure to provide audience members with a clear and motivating call to action that encourages them to engage with your brand in a deeper way. Rather than simply asking audience members to visit your brand’s website, consider driving them to a specific page for a specific reason. Remember that some segments of Instagram’s user base log in to the platform about 11 times per day. That means that the Instagram platform is highly “sticky.” You will need to provide members of your audience with a great reason to leave.

Assign your campaign a clear start and end date


Image result for scheduleAs with all marketing campaigns, Instagram campaigns should not run endlessly. Instead, you should develop a campaign with a clear start and end date. Doing so will provide you and your team with a clear way to measure performance, and can motivate everyone involved to find campaign optimizations faster than usual.

It will also be easier to conduct a post-campaign analysis, which will make it easier to learn from successes and failures.