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Why use influencer marketing?

By September 30, 2018July 4th, 2024No Comments

Why use influencers and how does influencer marketing work?

With the rise of digital and social channels, consumers are faced with an enormous amount of content each day. Hence, we are spending a huge amount of time checking out social media. At least 20% of total online activity in the U.S. are desktop and mobile related. 

Why use Influencer Marketing?

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As consumers have actually come to appreciate sponsored content and data showed the reaction of consumers with sponsored content. They are actually engaged equally as compared to non-sponsored content, when done the right way.


How does influencer marketing work?

The key here is “when done the right way.” There are plenty of brands making simple mistakes that drive people away from their sponsored content. 

Let your photo do the talking.

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Far too often we see great photos that are ruined by an overlaid logo or text. You aren’t creating a meme, so keep the text off of your photo. Keep the text limited to your caption, and use a couple of hashtags – but not too many – as that can also make a post feel too spammy and result in decreased engagement.

Never force it

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The common misconception is that a close-up product feature would be the best to showcase it on social media. But think from your consumer s’ perspective. They are able to better relate to the product if they see it naturally integrated into one’s lifestyle. For example, if it’s clothes, influencers wear it. Or if its food or beverage take a flatlay to make it aesthetically pleasing. Do not force your post into an advertisement.

Aesthetics Please

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Take good pictures. You don’t need expensive camera to ensure you are taking clear photos that are properly cropped. It’s startling how many influencers post poor pictures to their social feeds. Although visual quality is important, other considerations like stability and entirety is important. 

If you create high quality content, you will see engagement with your sponsored content. Data doesn’t lie. When your content quality is poor, your consumer will likely look the other way. But if your content is properly placed, utilizes sharp photography, and feels native and organic, you have an advertising tool that is statistically proven to generate results for your brand.